Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The crazy days just keep on coming...

I really should be "punching back in" from lunch about now...not because I've used up my allotted hour, but because I have SO. MUCH. TO. DO. 


I've been missing writing here...and reading your posts.

But, right now...I just don't have time.

Even though Dylan was gone for 6 days...I don't think I stopped for a minute.

Ok - that's a lie because on Sunday afternoon I took a nap! ;)

Our church is gearing up for our Easter production...so I'm spending two extra nights at the church for that.

Tonight, I *think* I will get to stay home...although, I think we might have to go sign up for a membership before the promotion ends tomorrow...

So, just know that if I don't show up here again for the next week or so, I'm not ignoring you and I haven't given up...I just don't have time.

BTW - Dylan had a FABULOUS trip to Connecticut.  He brought me a t-shirt AND a cupcake from Carlo's Bakery...and I will say...I ate the cupcake 4 days AFTER he bought it and it was still pretty good.

Although, I have to admit that I'm more partial to the cupcakes from a local bakery.

Dylan got to visit Hoboken, he went through NY City, visited Lexington & Concord (Massachusetts ??), went to UConn (and got a National Championship t-shirt), went to see the Statue of Liberty, went to Philadelphia and through DC...and arrived home yesterday morning at 2am! :) 

But I think he had an awesome trip!

Hopefully I will see you later this week...but I make no promises...

Have a great week! :)


Mrs. Frogster said...

good to "see" you! I hear ya on the busyness of life! :) hope you get some down time soon!

Your Mom said...

Now I want to know ... are these cupcakes as good as your mom's cake squares?

shortmama said...

Wow sounds like he had a fun trip!

Rachel said...

I know how you feel not having time to read blogs or update your own. I've been SO busy lately myself!!

Glad you enjoyed the cupcake!!


PBJdreamer said...

Glad Dylan had fun

and you got a cupcake AND a nap?


that is all