Saturday, August 7, 2010

Saturday Morning...

It's Saturday morning...I slept in until the glorious hour of 8am.  So sad that I celebrate this as sleeping in...but, normally I wake up at an extra 2 hours is a good thing.  The downer...absolutely nothing on TV other than infomercials, the news and this Hilary Duff movie that I settled on.

I had a pretty good week...nothing majorly awesome to report.  Except that Dylan DID make the JV soccer team.  I'm not sure if he's happy about that or not...he says he would've been good either way.  Soccer will take up a lot of his time, he says...which I guess will take away from his computer/video game time???  Who knows.  I'm excited and proud of him for going out.  He's a lot like his mom...shys away from opportunities where he may not know people.  I've not always been like this...I don't know when it happened...maybe when I became a mom. 

Not sure what I've got on the agenda today...I've got to get some cleaning shower is still nasty!  And I still need to mop my kitchen/bathroom.  I'm beginning to notice a Saturday trend, though...I don't want to do anything.  Nothing at all.  I guess I need to break out of that...

Alright...back to my Hilary Duff movie...I know I've seen it but can't possibly remember the name...oh, well.


Cortney said...

That is to funny! I just got up myself (it's 8 AM here right now) and I also considered that sleeping in. And you're right, there isn't anything on! I thought, "maybe I should go back to bed", but then I remembeed that I have a date with my couch later to take a nap! I get up early to take a that pathetic?

Hope you have a good day and can get a nap in too!

Anonymous said...

I never want to do anything, it's so bad. I would love to just laze around all day, reading a book, watching TV. LOL.

I need to continue packing up for our move. Maybe that's why I feel the way I do. It's all I've been doing lately and I'm beyond sick of it... *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Congrats to your son!

I hope you have a great weekend, Jenn!